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KC Christensen
735 E Green ST
Bensenville, IL 60106

Phone: 630-238-2660
Fax: 847-963-6738

KEC12071 AMF Glen 160 QT Planetary Mixer

KEC12102 Autoprod dula lane 5lb tub filler

KEC121021 Complete macaroni & potato Salad processing and packaging line. Over 60000LBs per hour


Institute of Packaging Professionals

Institute of Packaging Professionals

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DescUsed: Weldotron 7141 shrink tunnel. Features dual chamber variable air velocity control. Heavy duty construction. Solid state controls. Casters and leveling feet. Solid state digital temperature control (ambient to 450 deg. F.). 14 KW coil wound heater elements. CHAMBER DIMENSIONS– 8” High x 16” Wide x 60” Long. VOLTAGE– 220 Volt AC / 3 Phase / 45 Amps. PRODUCT CONVEYOR– Variable speed “live” roller operation. High temperature silicone covered rollers. MACHINE DIMENSIONS– 92” Long x 30” Wide x 57” High. WEIGHT: 750 lbs.
Modelll7141 Shrink Tunnel
Serial NumAPI00253
Phone Number